The most basic goal of palliative care is to help patients maintain physical comfort, improve their quality of life and minimise symptoms. Therefore, patients will be advised to consume more nutritious foods when possible. Even if patients continue to experience weight loss, dietary adjustments can still help patients increase their physical strength and make them feel energised.
General Advice:
Pateints are encouraged to eat more to improve their mental and physical state when possible. Here are suggestions for carers:
- Offering patients their favourite foods
- Preparing ready-to-eat foods at home
- Giving patients small but frequent meals
- Allowing patients to eat more when they want to
- Preparing appetising treats, such as sour ginger, dried fruits and processed vegetables, lemon water, vinegar and lemon tea.
- Serving small portions of food at a time, using small containers.
- Accompanying patients while they eat
- Allowing patients to relax and eat slowly in a comfortable environment
- Helping patients to sit comfortably while eating, such as supporting the back with a soft pillow.
- Providing a comfortable and well-lit environment
- Cleaning the patient’s mouth after eating and letting them rest
- If necessary, carers should ensure that patients have no difficulties in consuming foods they prepare, such as shredding or boiling the ingredients to facilitate consumption.
- Helping patients to consume liquid foods using a straw when neccessary
- Considering if there are too many dietary restrictions and reduce some depending on the situation if the patient has a poor appetite.