Accept what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be. — Sonia Ricotti

Equip Yourself

Let's walk together
Palliative care improves the quality of life of patients and their families who are facing challenges associated with life-threatening illness, through timely identification, correct assessment, management of pain and other problems (physical, psychosocial, and spiritual), and person-centred approach.
I've just been told I have cancer...
Cherish every moment; love every day.
Let's take a break!

Tips and Resources

Community Resources
Patient Support Programmes
Diet & Cancer
Caring Tips
Sharing & Support

Let’s color the picture together!

An article with a rainbow means you have read that article. For every five articles you read, you can add a new color to the pictures. Let's fill the rainbow together!

Download SUPPORT+ App

SUPPORT+ aims to support advanced cancer patients and your families by helping you live positively even if your illness is incurable. We wish to influence your course of illness positively and let you have extra resources at your disposal.

For better home care, SUPPORT+ provides up-to-date information on cancer management, palliative care, and end-of-life support.

Registered users who verified by palliative care nurse can also record your symptoms and communicate with your healthcare professionals through this app.
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