There are various causes of fever, including:
1. Infection
Infection is a common complication of cancer and cancer treatment. Bacteria, viruses and fungi can cause infection.
Chemotherapy can lower the while blood cell level in your body. The while blood cell is used to fight infection. If your white cell count is low, your immune system is not as strong as it should be and you may at a risk of getting infection.
Infection can sometimes be life threatening. Especially if you are on chemotherapy and your neutrophil is low, you may at risk of developing a serious condition called neutropenic fever. (Find out more about neutropenic fever: Cancer Information à Neutropenic fever)
Fever may only be a sign of infection. You may also have other symptoms.
Symptoms of infection include:
- Feeling generally unwell
- A change in temperature
- Flu-like symptoms
- Sore throat
- Coughing with green or yellowish sputum
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Skin changes: redness, feeling hot, swelling or pain
- Feeling cold
- Shaking chills
- Painful belly
- Burning sensation when urinating
- Feeling dizzy and faint
- Having a fast heartbeat or palpitation
Remember to contact your healthcare professionals if you think you may have an infection. You may need immediate medical treatment.
2. Cancer itself
Some types of cancer can cause fever. This is often called “malignant fever”. Your doctor would probably have used some methods to find the source of fever but cannot find a particular reason to explain before calling it “malignant fever”. The cancers more likely to cause fever include:
- Lymphoma
- Leukemia
- Liver cancer (hepatocellular carcinoma) or multiple liver metastasis
- Kidney cancer (renal cell carcinoma)
- Soft tissue sarcoma
- Adrenocortical carcinoma
- Ovarian cancer
For lymphoma, the fever may come and go with no obvious cause and may be associated with night sweats and weight loss.
3. Side effects of drug
Some medications may cause fever, e.g. zolendronic acid, allopurinol, G-CSF infection. If you have fever during infusion of a drug, please tell the nurse as it may be a drug reaction. Your nurse may slow down the drip and may give you medicine like paracetamol, antihistamine or steroid to combat the reaction.
4. Reactions to blood products
It is not uncommon to have a higher temperature during blood production transfusion. Since the blood product contains cells and antibodies from the donor, your body may react to these cells and antibodies. If there is fever, your nurse will assess your condition and may give your antihistamine or paracetamol to lower the temperature. You may worry if the blood product can give you an infection. However, this is very rare as all blood products are carefully screened for any bacteria and virus before use.
5. Bowel or bladder obstruction
If there is obstruction in your bowel or bladder, the waste cannot be passed out normally. The bacteria can start to grow and cause an infection.